Thursday, April 18, 2013

Do I Want?

What do you do when you don't want...what you want? If that even makes sense. 
Its like your heart tells you yes, but your mind is saying no, this is not how its supposed to go. Is that then when I let my heart speak for itself...? is it then when I let my mind let go...release..relax and just let my heart feel what it wants. without any judgments? 

I don't wanna hear any more "you know betters" or "what if's" or "should haves" mixed with "could haves" ..I just want my mind to be free, to let my heart feel freely. But its too smart for that. its like a shield made of diamond, letting nothing scratch against it anymore. 

But i need to fall, i need to know that fear of hitting the ground and never returning. I need to feel that wind that will carry me through the sky...floating carefree. I need to know the feeling of everlasting. I need to feel "the feel". That my heart longs for....right?

Is that what everyone needs ?...or Am i just wired different?...Again i'm wanting what i think i don't want. So in reality. I want it. I crave it. I need it.


18.APR.13  2152


  1. U do it like a "Boss". Wat caught my attention n I love in this blog is; "I need to fall, I need to know that fear of hitting the ground and returning. I need to feel that wind that carry me through the sky...carefree." I want to leave a qoute "At times are body may feel so low when we least expected, But on the other hand are mind, spirit, and heart are meant to aim higher to where we wanted it to be and never come down from it" P.S TrueKidCool. Love :)!!!

    1. Wow..I really appreciate this.! Thanks for the Love Hun ;)...I also like the quote you left. Very true. Goes along with my thought process...

      From a "Boss" <3
